One of our best 2016 MBA theses on adoption of human resources analytics

A diagnostic model for adoption of human resources analytics in local subsidiaries : Study focused on multi-national enterprises (MNEs) in Sub-Saharan Africa

By:  Kenneth Wanyoto, 2017



Front-line managers and HR practitioners are principal implementers and gatekeepers of HR practice in organisations and as such, the survival of HR analytics is dependent on their concerted effort to enable it. HR analytics is one of the concepts that organisations can use to become more efficient and effective and to ultimately survive. Whilst the field of HR analytics presents opportunities it is, unfortunately, fraught with several internal and external challenges starting with the alignment of key actors perceptions. This research focuses on the predictors of the degree of adoption of HR analytics.

In this research, extensive literature was reviewed to identify which constructs best apply in the context of the sampled subsidiaries of MNE organisations. A quantitative study carried out using a survey monkey questionnaire in which data from 256 front-line managers and HR practitioners in the subsidiaries of 6 Multinational Enterprises was collected. From the study, a model was developed that shows the best predictors for the level of adoption of HR analytics.

Findings confirm that dimensions such as organisational culture, the organisation’s strategy and national culture are significant predictors for the level of adoption of HR analytics and its effectiveness. Also, from the study, the alignment of perception and trust on the role of HR analytics in the organisations between key actors was found to be instrumental to its success. Such a model is important for organisations to be able to leverage HR analytics investments and for decision-making.


  • HR Analytics
  • Adoption
  • Organisations
  • Line Managers
  • Decision Making


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