Category Archives: Fake news

Models to evaluate the credibility of information

Various models and techniques can be applied to evaluate the credibility of information found in online sources. Here are a few favorite models used by information specialists.

Evaluate online source: Lateral reading and its methods

A useful technique in evaluating online source, is the application of lateral reading and critical thinking. This technique allows the reader to verify the authenticity of content found in online source. Here are some techniques and models on lateral reading.

Pitfalls of using ChatGPT

LLMs have forever changed the way we work. They have proofed to handy tools to improve productivity, but there is a downside to using LLMs like ChatGPT. Here are some of the pitfalls:

Models to evaluate the credibility of information

Various models exist in the literature on how the evaluate the credibility of information. As you work through these models, you will realise there is a common theme and even overlap. It basically comes down to, Can I trust the information in front of me? These models can be used separately or in combination with […]
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Fact-checking 101: You can stay relevant without misinforming other social media users

A very insightful article about misinformation with some tips and tricks on things like reverse image searching from our Junior Information Specialist, Lerato Selepe. Click here to read it.

Understanding value in media: Perspectives from consumers and industry (WEF)

“In an age of fake news and misinformation, good quality content is more valuable than ever.” (WEForum) The disruption of the media industry, with the rise of social media, the digitization of content and the increase in mobile consumption has changed traditional funding models beyond recognition. The role of media historically has been central to […]
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